Thursday, August 4, 2011

Count down madness!!!

There are exactly 10 days until I'm scheduled to start Maddy's first fall semester of organized home schooling. Needless to say it's a little chaotic in my brain right now. I have 20 weeks of themes and all the plans for it going through my head. I'm actually doing great on organizing it all into a pretty good system. I wanted to get the weekly themes done through the end of the year so I can ease into this routine without stressing about the week to come during the week we are in. Am I making any sense? I feel like I'm talking in circles, lol. Part of my planning is to blog weekly, or more often, about what Maddy is learning. I'm excited, nervous, stressed and freaking out all in the same moment over the responsibility. Praying helps, and so does diving in and seeing tangible accomplishments. Looking forward to starting this journey and watching my little mooshoo learn more.