Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summer fun

This summer was the first time we had a school year to take a break from. We had some growing pains as a family during that time. Maddy started kindergarten at public school in January so we only had the spring semester to get used to the new routine. But boy did we get used to it, and even began to enjoy it. Once summer break started we had to get used to a new schedule or lack of one. We spent a ton of time with friends and enjoying more time with Marc in his mornings at home. This year we splurged and bought season passes to the new Hawaiian falls nearby. Boy did we get our money's worth out of them. Chris had the girls all summer so we got to spend a ton of time with them, and Johnny and Shelby. Plus our sweet friends Jill with Elijah and Reagan, and Chelsea with Sophia got passes as well. 

Summer was a great experience and I am now enjoying school being back in session.