Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mom's 50th birthday gifts

My mother's 50th birthday is this weekend. On top of throwing a party for her I've also been seeing some treats for her kitchen/dining room use. 

I've made 8 napkins with fabric that compliments her pfaltzgraff dishes.

I found the blue fabric in a remnants bin and the two coordinating yellows at a cute little sewing shop nearby. Those were my first fancy fabric purchases, both being Moda. I can definitely tell a difference in quality. I wanted super nice fabric since they will be touched a lot. 
I still need to topstitch them once I buy green thread. 

I'm currently working on two items that can either be hot pads or just decorative place holders for dishes. 

And the bottom fabric- 

I hope she enjoys these new treats for her kitchen. Can't believe she's finally turning 50!