Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summer fun

This summer was the first time we had a school year to take a break from. We had some growing pains as a family during that time. Maddy started kindergarten at public school in January so we only had the spring semester to get used to the new routine. But boy did we get used to it, and even began to enjoy it. Once summer break started we had to get used to a new schedule or lack of one. We spent a ton of time with friends and enjoying more time with Marc in his mornings at home. This year we splurged and bought season passes to the new Hawaiian falls nearby. Boy did we get our money's worth out of them. Chris had the girls all summer so we got to spend a ton of time with them, and Johnny and Shelby. Plus our sweet friends Jill with Elijah and Reagan, and Chelsea with Sophia got passes as well. 

Summer was a great experience and I am now enjoying school being back in session. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Summer craftiness

What a long, fun summer it has been. This was our first real summer from school so we all had some growing pains. Between play dates, water park visits and workouts I managed to get a few crafts accomplished. And build a long list of future projects of course.

This is the verse I painted on the wall of our entryway. I just love this as a blessing and prayer for all entering and leaving our home. 

The biggest project was refinishing this big boy. We found this old, solid wood dresser at goodwill and instantly saw its potential. After much sanding, painting, sanding and sealing it is a beauty of a buffet. Marc and I loved seeing it come together and working on it as a team. There will be many more items like this in our home, we became big fans of this type of work. Plus it's lovely in our home and we are proud of the work we put into it together to make it uniquely ours.

I have sewed several items without getting pictures. One project was a tote bag for my Aunt Becky and a matching smaller one for her daughter Abby. They love them and it was so nice getting to make them something. Up next is one for my grandma. 

One of my favorite items is this bible cover. I adore the fabric and was really proud of myself for being able to make it up as I went. I wish I had added a pocket but that's ok, I love it anyway. I do have a pen hook and more bookmarks now.

My last project to share is an area in the game room that we redid. I am very proud of the way it turned out and so happy for Maddy to have an area of quiet play. The first pic is before, the second is after. 

That's all the projects I can share for now. I have several Christmas presents in the works and some other posts to make this weekend. Hope your summer was a great one, would love to see what you worked on. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mom's 50th birthday gifts

My mother's 50th birthday is this weekend. On top of throwing a party for her I've also been seeing some treats for her kitchen/dining room use. 

I've made 8 napkins with fabric that compliments her pfaltzgraff dishes.

I found the blue fabric in a remnants bin and the two coordinating yellows at a cute little sewing shop nearby. Those were my first fancy fabric purchases, both being Moda. I can definitely tell a difference in quality. I wanted super nice fabric since they will be touched a lot. 
I still need to topstitch them once I buy green thread. 

I'm currently working on two items that can either be hot pads or just decorative place holders for dishes. 

And the bottom fabric- 

I hope she enjoys these new treats for her kitchen. Can't believe she's finally turning 50! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Projects in the pipeline

I have been a little fabric crazy the past week or two. My stash is quickly growing, although most of it has specific purpose already. I have begun planning some gifts to make and some additions to my own house. 

Currently I'm working on placemats for my table. 

Not bad for my first attempt. I will be mixing up the patterns using the following fabrics: 
 (I forgot to include the white fabric). 

I also have these fall colors for a gift to give my grandparents in Colorado. 

I will be using these for pillows in Maddy's reading/relaxing nook. She picked most of them out and surprisingly I don't care if they match.

That's most of it for now. Can't wait to share my finished works. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

iPad case project

The world of sewing can be tricky, trying and oh so rewarding. On my latest project, that I just created in my head, I had a simple math error and ended up screwing up the project. Before I scrapped it, I decided to just work with it and see if there was any way to salvage it. I had originally intended to have it fold the same way as my iPad cover, and that's where my math error screwed it up. I had somehow cut it too short for the width. Once I twirled it around and looked at it vertically rather than horizontally I found that it was the right width, just needed another 4 inches for the length. The fabric I was using for the pocket was a large piece so I made an extension using it and extended the flap to coordinate with the back pocket. 

Once I got that little snag figured out it was pretty smooth sailing from there. 

This is the back pocket. My stitches are still a little shaky, mostly when I get overconfident and try to speed thru it. 

This is the front and flap extension. I think it pulled the project together well. 

I am still figuring out the closure. I have elastic cord but its a little bulky to fit around a button so I think I may use a small hair elastic. Also have to decide if I want one button or two. 

Only regret is not lining it, but its a learning process. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

First sewing tutorial project

I wanted to make some simple tote bags for the summer. Easy to carry things to the pool, library, friends house, park, wherever the wind takes us. I followed this tutorial and made a few modifications mid project. I changed the length of my fabric when I realized it was going to be too long for Maddy, and I switched the straps from 2 bought straps to one strap made from fabric leftovers. I changed the straps because I thought Maddy would do better with just one and it was a good use of this scrap.

I got this fabric on clearance at hobby lobby today with this purpose in mind. Maddy was quite pleased with the choice. Once I finished I had her try it on for length and cuteness. 
Success!!! I made a few mistakes along the way but with more fabric to use I know I'll get the hang of it soon. 


Thursday, June 6, 2013

There's a grief that can't be spoken, there's a pain goes on and on

August 25th, January 7th, January 25th, December 30th, and May 3rd. These dates pass each year without much thought for other people... but for me, they mark the anniversary of a sweet baby leaving my body and entering heaven. They are a dream cut short, a future altered, a pain in my heart that has no measure.They are something else though too. You have to look closely, want to see it, NEED to see it, to survive.

 These 5 dates in my life are something so much more meaningful than anything else I've already said. They are exactly what my God does. They are chances for redemption, opportunities to seek His face, moments to turn to Him and fall into His arms. More than any other struggle I have faced to date, these hardships and the emotions they evoke, are my biggest reminder that God is faithful. He does not leave me, He has not forsaken me. He is not punishing me, nor keeping something good from me. Just the opposite. In the moments when the grief swells, and the sadness consumes, and I'm awake in the pitch dark thinking about the children I thought I'd be raising, God is there. He is not silent, cold, empty. I feel Him all around me, moving thru me, healing me, comforting me. Like the sweetest words ever whispered He covers me with His presence and love. I know without a doubt that the good thing I want (those children) is fleeting compared the the glory of His better thing I've been given...... my relationship with Him.

For reasons I don't need to know, God has given me a bounty of chances to choose him, and I do so joyfully. Could He have used other methods? Sure, but then you don't know me like He does. I'm hard headed, stubborn, just plain ornery. I like to think I have it all figured out and half way executed before others have finished looking at the situation. So God in all His goodness sought me and pursued me with a fury. He wants to be my healer, my comforter, my strength.

4 years into this trying to conceive journey and we are no closer to growing our family than we were at the start. But oh how much closer we are to our Savior, the giver of life. I've written before about how He never leaves me empty handed when a baby is taken, and this is the fullest my hands have ever been. In this complete surrender, hands open, held high, in worship.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy tears

Today was a special day for Maddy Moo. My tiny little human took a simple walk on a stage and became a big girl. I cannot deny that this mama shed a few tears, mostly happy.

She won the most creative writer award and did a great job walking the stage and crossing the bridge.

This was her teacher's first year and we loved Mrs.Miller so much. We made this wall plaque for her door because she didn't have one yet. Maddy will miss her this summer. Every time Maddy plays "teacher" she is Mrs. Miller. 

Nana was able to attend the ceremony and even brought her a congratulations balloon.

Grama and Grampa also came and even arrived at 7:15 for the 8:00 ceremony. They gifted her some chocolates and a play phone that stores make up. 
Her grandparents sure were proud of how well she did this year.

We just love and adore our sweet, funny, imaginative girl. Couldn't imagine this life without her. And yes, I may cry again thinking about how much she's grown and how fond I am of her. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

This past weekend was Memorial Day. My Aunt Becky, Uncle Brad, and their kids Michael and Abby came to visit. We all spent the weekend out at my dad and Linda's house. We had a blast even though the weather decided to rain 60% of the time. 
Maddy is always happy when her Uncle Zach plays with her in the pool. She had him holding her all different ways while jumping in with her. Once they surfaced she'd quickly swim back to him, grab his neck and kiss his cheek. 
He is such a fun Uncle even if he's only 14. She has him pretty much wrapped around her finger. Finally on Sunday the skies cleared up midday and we were able to have a real pool party all afternoon into the evening. Aunt Ev and Uncle Rick came over and we cooked out and threw people into the pool (a staple game at these parties). 
Michael was actually being tossed in at will for this pic. 

Time spent with this family, and at this house, remind me of the best of my youth. Ever since getting this pool put in we have had the best summers with fantastic company. Marc and I agree hands down that these moments are among our favorite memories to make. 

After the weekend was over we went home and Becky and Brad came out to our house. We were celebrating Abby's birthday on Tuesday, by going to the waterpark nrh20. It had only just opened for the season that weekend. Tuesday was still a school day so the park ended up only having about 75 other people there. We basically had it all to ourselves. Lines were non existent, the wave pool have at best 20 people in it. It. Was. Awesome! We stayed for 7 hours, played our hearts out and lost our voices screaming from the fun. 

That was our big holiday weekend. I hope yours was fantastic too. 


Monday, May 20, 2013

Wedding Vow Artwork

I bought this canvas at least three months ago with intentions to cover it in fabric as a headboard in our room. But then every time I shopped for fabric nothing spoke to me ( what, you've never had fabric speak to you?) So it sat in my kitchen since then, just waiting for inspire to strike. And then it did. I was telling a friend a story about our wedding vows and how much I loved what we said during the ring exchange. Those words stuck in my head for days and I spent a few times daydreaming ideas of how to incorporate them into the piece. A few days later it became clear, they weren't a part of the art, they were the art. 

I shopped for the paint colors and quickly got to work with the help of my sweet friend Jill. Being able to free hand the words made it very easy to get it done in one afternoon. 

Here is the finished product, forever reminding us that our wedding rings are a pledge that we have chosen one another above all others.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Redo project

Last weekend my stepmom, Linda, gave me some items from her house. I knew I could revamp it somehow and make a super cute display for my house. It was a basic large white frame and a big iron easel. So I had hubby spray paint the frame bright red and I put scrapbook paper on the background. I shopped Hobby Lobby for a good print to use and ended up finding a great wall decal half off. 
Then I placed the decal in the middle and viola- instant art. I added it to the stand and now it's a focal piece in the corner of my formal dining room. 
 This project was such a breeze it gave me hope for future ideas. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

First time using iron on pencil

I've recently gotten into embroidery. And found that I super love it. But after stencil ing my designs straight on the fabric I found that I would rub them off as I worked on the project. Enter the iron on transfer pencil. 

It seemed simple enough. Print your pattern and trace it backwards like this :

Then you simply iron on the paper like this: (but make sure to hold the paper in place and only press down, if you move the iron across it creates blurry lines.) you can lift the side that isn't being ironed to check the progress. 
And presto- done and now you have a permanent pattern on the fabric. 

I'll post pics of the project as it gets worked on. 

**tips** trace firmly to create darker lines and press lighter with the iron to avoid slightly burning the fabric, or maybe lower heat. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Maddy's milestone

My sweet girl had a big event today- her first school field trip. If you've read my old posts you know that we used to home school, so the fact that she's in public school is hard enough, but adding a field trip that included an hour long bus ride without me have this mama high anxiety. But she did good, and I did ok. I am so thankful to have a husband that adores being a daddy and took the time off to go with us today. We had a great time at Sharkarosa Wildlife Ranch. 
She got to pet horses, camels, llamas and even a zorse (zebra horse). 

She got to learn all about lemurs and kangaroos up close. 

It was a great day with my fantastic family.

It's been a long time

I haven't been a very good blog owner. I've left it sitting alone in cyber space for over 2 years. Just my old thoughts and ambitions all ignored and forgotten til now. The Lord's been working in me for a few months to start blogging again. Not because other people need to hear what I have to say, but more that I need to get some things out of my head and worked thru and ultimately given to Him.

Life has been a raging white water adventure over the last few years. Seems like we go from out of the frying pan into the fire. But we have been good at staying high spirited along the journey. For the most part. I've come to realize that it's much easier to handle whatever you are facing if you stay focused on God's goodness and faithfulness. I have been able to get over my circumstances much easier when I've remembered who is is control of my life and who has authorized each event.

I can't wait to share with you what God has been doing in my life, in my heart, and for His glory.